Saturday, December 6, 2008

Web 2.0

Kerpoof is free multimedia software that can be used on any computer that has Internet access. The site is great because it has an area that is specifically for educators and it lists ideas and benefits for incorporating this Web 2.0 tool into your classroom. It also has lesson plans and how Kerpoof connects to the standards. You can make pictures, movies, drawings, or create stories using the Kerpoof multimedia tools. I think it would be a great application to incorporate into any elementary or middle school classroom. I think that any you could structure the lesson accordingly to the age group you are teaching, but overall it would be a great way for the students to express themselves. I think that I could use it in my classroom for story creations. We try to have the students work on retelling stories and connecting the pictures to the stories that they are creating. I think that they could use the program to create drawings to go along with the stories that they create or they could make a story using the multimedia tools on the site. Check it out at .

Totlol is a great 2.0 tool that I could definitely use in my classroom. It is powered by YouTube and has pretty much the same set up, but is for children. You are able to set up your own favorite videos, keep track of ones that are watched, and block certain videos from being viewed. This would be great to incorporate into my kindergarten classroom. I am constantly searching for video clips that I can connect to the concepts that I am teaching. It is a really great way to get my 5-6 year old students excited about what we are learning and focused on the concept. Check out this Web 2.0 tool at .

Another Web 2.0 tool that I found was ispeech. It is a tool that allows you to convert text to speech. This is a great application for me teaching kindergarten because there are so many tools that I would like to utilize within the classroom, but it is hard because my students are unable to read. One thing that ispeech does offer is the fact that you are able to take the text in your blog and convert it into a talking blog. This would be great for my students and would allow me to create a blog geared toward them that they were able to participate in. This way whatever I posted the students would be able to listen to, whether it is in centers or from at home. Check it out at .


StephE said...

Tamra --

Totlol seems like it would be a very useful tool for the classroom. Is it for all grade levels or just elementary? I'll have to investigate and see. Anyway, I think it would be very useful because videos are highly effective if used correctly in the classroom. Just this past week, I have been utilzing United Streaming to build background knowledge regarding the Great Depression. I feel my students not only appreciated the videos but also gained facts from them. All in all, I am lucky to finally have access to United Streaming, especially because we only got it in November. I think totlol would be very beneficial, especially to those who do not have United Streaming.

Good post!

Travis said...


I thought each of your three Web 2.0 tools were great for Kindergarten. I liked how you explained how you would utilize them in the classroom. Each of these tools would be helpful for you to create and develop a classroom where students are engaged in technology. I find all these Web 2.0 tools to be useful for the elementary classrooms. I think you will be thrilled to implement them into your classroom and see how your students perform. Overall, I thought your ideas and thoughts about how you will use these Web 2.0 tools in the classroom were very creative.

Miss Caleffe said...


Those a great tools. I searched a TON of different tools and didn't find those and I'm glad you did! Kerproof would go along well with a few of the tools I found. This class has been great at finding so many different tools to use and not having to do all the work ourselves! Kindergartener will love these!


Laura Ann said...

Tamra, I agree with everyone else in saying that you found some great resources on how to implement Web 2.0 tools into the classroom. I'm always interested to read your posts because we both teach such primary grade levels. The tools you found have great potential for our classrooms. Totlol seems like an interesting one to try, but I need to check it out to see exactly how it works.

Lindsey said...


Thank you for sharing ispeech! I never thought of converting words to sound until you provided the link. This is a great way to make adaptations for students who need extra auditory support. I am amazed at how many adaptations for students can be made available through Web about differentiated instruction! Thanks for the link!